Monday 16 March 2015

my three main ideas

id like to produce a footage of the occurunces of a teenagers daydreams in the middle of his boring day where he is remembering his dream and slowly continuing it off, by making it up. he is so awake in a reality yet so asleep from it, away in his own imagination and thoughts. I like this idea because of the way the story would fade from reality into the persons day dream and back into real life as he keeps getting snapped out of it and then keeps returning...and how the character is living in these two worlds at once.

fantasy could be about a love affair or dream girl. character could be caught doing things he shouldnt in reality. (smirking, making actions, holding someones hand etc)

My second idea is to produce a horrific dream sequence where the dreamer wakes multiples of times, from dreams within dreams. the story would be about infatuated visitors, who enter the girls dreams and mess with her leaving her confused in the morning where sometimes shed find presents from them, and other times shed get visions of witches or monsters. she is unsure whether they are good or not. meeting them again and again the next few nights in different circumstances, she begins to discover the truth and finds her way out. i have not made a horror yet. it would be fun to be paranormal.

monsters hiding behind a black cloth or white light with a deep sinister voices or multiple voices. within the dreams, the girl would think she has entirely awoken and seeks her mothers comfort yet realizes this is fake and the monster is still there, and so she awakes multiple times horrified. (this story comes from a real life insperation). i was told that her grandfather had a similar thing and that he would be left, baskets of fruit and money and other gifts and if he did not accept them then he would be haunted again. it was about admiration and infatuation of the persons spirit.

id like to film footage following the emotions of a classical peice of music. it seems bold and expressive of what the music could amplify in a scene. id like it to be random and loud in body language and facial expression. i think it would be extremely cool if it went in slow motion and the scenes changed bit by bit. maybe a costume, or a location, a colour, a character, or an event continuously warping and morphing the story the same way a dream does. not much is often said in my dreams, they are more silent and visual. id like to express this into a music video.

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